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Anokha Hautpflege-Journal

mind your greens

achte auf dein Grün

mind your greens

achte auf dein Grün

Basilikum, Minze und Salbei: perfekt, um sowohl Nudeln als auch Ihre Haut aufzumuntern. Wir sprechen speziell über heiliges Basilikum, Pfefferminze und Muskatellersalbei. Diese üppigen, duftenden K...

why we're nuts about almonds

warum wir verrückt nach Mandeln sind

Mandeln sind ovale Stücke von köstlicher Güte, die auch lächerlich gut für Ihre Haut sind. Lesen Sie weiter, um ihre Geheimnisse und Gaben zu entdecken.

carrier oils


Trägeröle werden verwendet, um ätherische Öle vor dem Auftragen auf die Haut zu verdünnen, da ätherische Öle und Absolues bei direkter Anwendung schwere Reizungen oder Sensibilisierungen der Haut ...

cucumber for skin | antioxidant | skin barrier repair | anokha

ingredient focus: cucumber

more than just an ingredient for your daily salad, the humble cucumber has tremendous therapeutic and cosmetic benefits. possessing minerals, fatty acids, and vitamins, the cucumber’s leaves, fruit...



an estimated 16 million Americans have rosacea, a chronic inflammatory condition marked by redness on the cheeks, nose, chin, or forehead. there’s no definite cause and no cure, but if you suffer f...

exfoliation | how to exfoliate | physical exfoliation

about exfoliation

if you don’t routinely exfoliate your skin, you’re missing out on one of the most effective steps towards skin health. exfoliation lifts dead skin cells, allowing the rest of your products to penet...

yuzu | yuja | tanaka | antioxidant | anokha

ingredient focus: yuzu

commonly steeped in tea or used in a ritual ceremony to ward off evil spirits, yuzu is an enticing and deliciously fragrant citrus fruit. yuzu fruit also plays a starring role in skincare, with its...

skincare for menopause

skincare for menopause

menopause is marked by a number of changes in a woman’s body. while most attention is understandably devoted to the more dramatic vasomotor symptoms of weight gain, night sweats, and hot flashes, o...

the double cleanse

die doppelte Reinigung

double cleansing is exactly what it appears to be – cleansing the face twice. but given the challenges (for some of us) of completing even a single cleanse, why would anyone opt to do it twice, dur...

glass skin

glass skin

it’s a Korean beauty ideal: glass skin. but what is glass skin, why do we all want it, and how do we achieve it? while some may consider glass skin to simply be a passing K-beauty trend, it’s funda...
