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anokha skin care journal

ingredient focus: gotu kola

ingredient focus: gotu kola

ingredient focus: gotu kola

ingredient focus: gotu kola

it’s one of our all-time favorite botanicals – gotu kola, or Centella asiatica. diminutive and unassuming, this little shrub packs a host of benefits into every part of its leaves and roots. some s...

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t is for toner

t is for toner

toning is the next step in your skincare routine after cleansing and before moisturizing. what it is, why to use it, and how to do it.

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the rose

the rose

the alluring rose is a wonderful source of beauty remedies. as one of the most ancient flowers in the world, and is believed to have been cultivated in India 5000 years ago. the word “rose” is deri...

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