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anokha skin care journal

ingredient focus: oatmeal

ingredient focus: oatmeal

ingredient focus: oatmeal

ingredient focus: oatmeal

oatmeal nourishes the inside of our bodies – but it’s also a wonderfully gentle and effective ingredient for our skin. read on to discover more about why this beauty is too good to save for breakfa...

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we could clay all day: the extraordinary benefits of a clay mask

clay all day: the extraordinary benefits of a clay mask

clay masques may very well be one of the most under-appreciated products in your skincare routine. if you aren’t masque-ing at least weekly, you’re missing out on the opportunity to reset your skin...

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ingredient focus: gotu kola

ingredient focus: gotu kola

it’s one of our all-time favorite botanicals – gotu kola, or Centella asiatica. diminutive and unassuming, this little shrub packs a host of benefits into every part of its leaves and roots. some s...

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slow down, beauty

slow down, beauty

forego the quick fix - the slow beauty movement is officially here. slowing down forces us to re-examine our lives and our choices, in every respect. when it comes to natural beauty, however, this...

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ingredient focus: lotus flower

ingredient focus: lotus flower

the lotus flower has been treasured throughout history as a sacred symbol of purity and vitality. but you may not know its hidden secrets: the lotus flower can lend its grace from head to toe, wit...

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ingredient focus: milk

ingredient focus: milk

milk and milk products, such as yogurt, have been valued since ancient times for their soothing and luxurious properties. Cleopatra herself is said to have bathed in a concoction of milk and rose p...

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