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anokha skin care journal

ylang ylang anokha skin care

ingredient focus: ylang ylang

ylang ylang anokha skin care

ingredient focus: ylang ylang

ylang ylang is a scented flower derived from a tropical tree native to Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, although it has also been introduced to China, India, and Africa. although ylang ylan...

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pitta season

pitta season

pitta season is the predominant dosha of the summer season. it is associated with heat, energy, and fire. key words associated with pitta dosha include hot, light, acidic, intense, transformative, ...

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kapha season

kapha season

kapha season is now officially upon us, running from the last part of the winter through spring. moisture associated with melting snow and frequent rainfalls are typical of this time.  key words as...

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vata season

vata season

vata season occurs during the late fall and winter, and is termed such because it carries the same qualities as those seen in people with a predominantly vata dosha: cold, dry, light, clear, and mo...

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carrier oils

carrier oils

carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils prior to application to the skin, as essential oils and absolutes may cause severe irritation or sensitization of the skin when applied directly.  whi...

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neem is an extraordinary evergreen tree native to India which has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for at least 5000 years for its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties. considered...

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